
— Natural Wellness

Mockup of Remo app designs presented on a purple background with the brand logo on the side

Project Overview

Rebranding Baraka: A Case Study in Sustainable Design

Baraka is a natural wellness company based in Sonoma, California that aims to provide allergy treatment in a sustainable and holistic manner. However, their current website does not accurately reflect this brand image. In order to better showcase their commitment to the environment and the local community, Baraka turned to rebranding and a redesign of their website. This case study will explore the process of rebranding Baraka, including UX research, UI design, and graphic design, in order to meet the goal of educating and engaging with their audience. Through a focus on sustainability and community, we aimed to create a website that truly represents the heart of the Baraka brand.

Brand Strategy

Defining the Rebranding Strategy for Baraka

In order to effectively rebrand Baraka, it was important to first identify the target user and the problem that needed to be solved. Our target user was people suffering from allergies who had not had success with traditional methods, as well as those interested in consuming goods responsibly. The problem we aimed to solve was that the current image of Baraka did not accurately reflect the company's values of sustainability and community involvement.

To differentiate Baraka from competitors, we focused on highlighting not just the natural allergy treatment options offered by the company, but also their commitment to the environment and local communities. We wanted users to see Baraka as a sustainable, caring, and engaged brand that prioritizes natural and healthy living.

To achieve this, we conducted UX research to better understand the needs and desires of our target user, and used this information to inform the design of the website. Through a combination of UI design and graphic design, we created a cohesive and attractive brand image that effectively communicates the values of Baraka to users.

Designing for Our Target Audience: Identifying User Pain Points and Creating Personas

When redesigning the Baraka website, our primary goal was to create a user-centered design that effectively addressed the pain points of our target audience. Through UX research, we identified the following pain points:

  • Lack of clear information about the products offered by Baraka
  • Absence of information about how natural wellness products can positively impact users
  • Unorganized information on the website, making it difficult for users to find what they are looking for

In order to create a user-centered design for the Baraka website, we began by creating personas to represent our target audience. This allowed us to design with specific user needs and pain points in mind, and to be mindful of the impact we wanted to make with our message.

Our personas were based on real users who had expressed interest in natural allergy treatment and sustainability causes. We used information gathered from UX research to create detailed profiles of these personas, including their demographics, goals, pain points, and motivations.

For example, one of our personas was a 22-year-old woman named Charlie who was interested in natural allergy treatment options and sustainable living. Charlie struggled with finding clear and reliable information about natural allergy treatment options, and was motivated by the desire to live a healthier and more environmentally-conscious lifestyle.

By creating these personas, we were able to design the Baraka website with a deeper understanding of our target audience and their needs. This helped us to create a website that effectively speaks to and resonates with users.

Research and Analysis

Conducting Competitive Audits for the Baraka Rebranding Project

In order to create a website that effectively stands out in a crowded market, it was important for us to conduct both a direct and indirect competitive audit for the Baraka rebranding project.

For our direct competitors, we identified companies such as Edens Garden, Revive, and Earth Hero that offer similar natural wellness and sustainability-themed products. Through our audit, we found that these companies all emphasized the positive change they are creating, and had pervasive information on their main pages. However, we also noted that their mobile versions were often cluttered.

For our indirect competitors, we identified companies such as Guayaki, Patagonia, and Whole Foods that offer different products but are focused on the same audience as Baraka. Through our audit, we found that these companies all emphasized their engagement with local communities and had websites that reflected their relationship with nature. Their websites were also not cluttered and were fully responsive.

By conducting these competitive audits, we were able to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors and use this information to inform the design of the Baraka website.

SWOT analysis comparing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of competitors Edens Garden, Revive, and Earth Hero in the natural wellness and sustainability markets.

Design Solution

Designing a Solution for Baraka: Creating a Cohesive and Attractive Brand Image

To meet the goal of the Baraka rebranding project - to educate and engage with users about the company's commitment to the environment and local communities - it was important to create a cohesive and attractive brand image through the use of UI design and graphic design.

To achieve this, we focused on creating a clean and intuitive layout that was easy for users to navigate. We incorporated visual elements such as graphics and imagery that reflected the values of Baraka, such as sustainability and natural living. We also used typography and color schemes that were consistent with the brand's overall aesthetic.

In addition to these design elements, we also prioritized the use of clear and concise language to communicate the benefits of natural allergy treatment and the values of the Baraka brand. This included the use of educational resources and storytelling to engage users and help them better understand the mission of the company.

Overall, our design solution for the Baraka website aimed to create an inviting and informative experience that effectively showcases the unique values of the brand.

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Bringing the Values of Baraka to Life: A Look Back at the Rebranding Project

The Baraka rebranding project was a unique and challenging opportunity to create a website that effectively communicates the values of the brand to users. Through UX research and the creation of personas, we were able to design a user-centered solution that addressed the pain points of our target audience and effectively showcases the company's commitment to sustainability and community involvement.

One difficulty we faced during the course of the project was a lack of budget from the client, which limited our ability to fully develop and implement our designs. Despite this challenge, we were able to create a cohesive and attractive brand image that effectively represents the Baraka brand.

Overall, the rebranding project was a success in that it helped to better align the image of the company with its values and mission. We believe that the resulting website will be an effective tool for engaging with users and educating them about the unique offerings of Baraka.

Let’s work together!
